
Showing posts from 2018

Horses as Therapy for Grief

Some of my friends know how strongly I believe horses are an amazing form of direct therapy. My two oldest horses, Khlown and 'Khelina have served as my therapy for more than 28 years, helping me through loneliness, belonging, and needing to be active. Through marriage and divorce,  my daughter in tow, working thorough depression, anger, expressing through my art, finding peace and comfort, providing inspiration, and unconditional love when nothing else could. I have often thought how interacting with horses has changed my outlook and wellbeing in my life, and how they can surely affect others. Now-a-days the therapy benefits in having relationships with horses are widely researched and validated. This artitcle  Corralling Children's grief  recounts the transformative and healing affect of having a special relationship, a Friendship with at least one horse in your life to walk with you over the ups and downs. Wouldn't you agree?  Come arrange to meet one of our a...