
Showing posts from November, 2016

Here's a Tough Ol' Bird after Turkey Day

In this Montana Standard report "Cowboy gives thanks for horses the only way he knows how" (article copied below), we learn about a fella that is living a horse-lover's life of thankfulness.  John Thompson or "Jonie T" discribes his effort to live by  "the cowboy tradition. That's respect, trust and honor. I'm praying our country gets back to those, but unfortuately those words are dying, just like the true cowboy is."   So many of us horse prople (and Texans) strive to live up to life like that. For Jonie however, living the cowboy's life has come via a winding, wrong side of the tracks way that left him with no easy deal. But that is not his point anymore. For him, it's about living to repay the horse victims of a abuse. He has since learned horses have the capacity to forgive men and heal from their own suffering as much as facilitate the healing of men. His way of helping horses heal is to "walk them though it, and ...

Breast Surgery Recover with Horse Therapy! Here's one for all women who have suffered! Are you a woman? Have you suffered through cancer? Can you imagine what life would be like after breast cancer? I attend the North Davis Church of Christ in Arlington, Texas. In our congregation too many of our members are or have suffered from cancer. In fact, just today in Sunday class two prayer requests were given for ladies recently diagnosed with breast cancer! One is for a new friend of mine who I am only just getting to know! Sometimes there is not much more one can do but to pray for the welfare, care and comfort of anyone struck with such a terrible disease.  But here, again, as a horse owner aware of the special influences our equine partners can impart, I am honored to find there are others who have the insight to apply to the special friendship of horses to benefit others! In this article  Breast Cancer Patients use Horses...

Horses for Grief Therapy

Khlown  and 'Lina   Some of my friends know how I feel about horses as a form of therapy. My Khlown and 'Lina (full brother and sister 25+ years old) have been my therapy for decades helping me through loneliness in marriage and divorce, depression, anger, finding peace, comfort, and care-giving where none was to be had. I have often thought how interacting with horses has changed my outlook in life, and how I know they can affect others. Now a days the therapy benefits of relationships with horses are widely researched and validated. So, in this vein of interest,  I came across this article in the San Francisco Chronicle that caught my attention:  Corralling children's grief .  It speaks of an innovative way the observation of horses is used to interpreted one's own emotions in dealing with grief. Recently, I was touched by a friend of mine who mom just passed away...

Warm Hands and Heavy Heart I came across this article column today. Even though it is with a racing forum, it really touched a chord with me. Especially with my two older horses, Khlown and Khelina, being senior citizens at age 25 and 26. My horses time will come when they will be leaving us, but as the author recounted, the memories, lessons and people that have come into my life will be forever with me. Please enjoy this touching tale.