Horses for Grief Therapy
Khlown and 'Lina |
Some of my friends know how I feel about horses as a form of therapy. My Khlown and 'Lina (full brother and sister 25+ years old) have been my therapy for decades helping me through loneliness in marriage and divorce, depression, anger, finding peace, comfort, and care-giving where none was to be had.
I have often thought how interacting with horses has changed my outlook in life, and how I know they can affect others. Now a days the therapy benefits of relationships with horses are widely researched and validated.
So, in this vein of interest, I came across this article in the San Francisco Chronicle that caught my attention: Corralling children's grief. It speaks of an innovative way the observation of horses is used to interpreted one's own emotions in dealing with grief.
Recently, I was touched by a friend of mine who mom just passed away and I wonder if and how spending some time with my horses might be of comfort to her. I will definitely invite her for a visit.
In the mean time, HUG a Horse! It will make you smile!
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