Don’t Just Put Horses Away For The Winter |
This article is a VERY wise reminder to pay attention to the details of horse care especially after the summer is over. Here's a snapshot below, but read the article. It contains many bits of insight worthy of attention!
1. Fresh air and/or good ventilation are major requirements for horses kept inside. Keeping stalls clean is necessary to keep ammonia levels low.
2. Horses need free-choice, good quality hay. Hay generates more heat than grain does during digestion and thus is more helpful in maintaining body heat during cold weather
3. Horses not wanting to drink cold or freezing water can cause dehydration. Lack of water is the number one cause of impaction colic in horses. Loose salt and water warmed to 60 F will increase water consumption by 40 to 100 percent.
4. Horses not in competition should have shoes pulled and hooves trimmed regularly, every six weeks.
5. Exercising three times a week for an hour and increase flexibility by doing suppling exercises at a walk and trot will help maintain physical fitness.
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